Final Project — PHIL S320

Andrew Valdivia
1 min readMay 7, 2021

My comprehension, and thus, my interest in course material, was vastly different with each author that we explored, with the most comprehensible of these having been read at the beginning of the semester. Though understanding each writer presented a certain degree of difficulty, the works that I was able to effectively make comparisons to were Aristotle, Mencius, and Metz. These works challenged deep-rooted psychological notions about the rightness and wrongness of an act and evoked a great curiosity regarding their real-world applications. , ,

Beyond these works, I found most to be quite difficult to wrap my head around. Though lapses in focus may have caused the occasional obstacle to my retention of an assignment, I truly felt stuck with each reading and more so with each subsequent lecture. I regret that my involvement in the Medium format declined, but I never felt that my knowledge of the subject matter was sufficient enough to offer any analysis of worth via this medium.

